Saturday, July 10, 2010

Oceanview Window Craft Photo

See a picture of a unique craft project "My own idea for a stained glass window using glass beads, sea glass, glass glue, an old window, and some imagination." One word: FABULO...

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How to Depict a Glass in a Painting

Depicting a glass in a painting is good practice in shifting your brain function from the left, logical brain into your right, artistic side. Glasses are often clear, and so they are influenced by the colors in, around and behind them. Reflections and distortions occur because of this; keep your subject simple as you begin your first paintings. Any painting medium can be used to experiment with this technique. Choose colors that are closest to the...

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How to Reverse Paint a Snowmen on Glass

Ready to try something new and fun with paint? This is a great project for the upcoming holiday's. Everyone will enjoy those home made treats when they are served up on this adorable hand painted glass plate. All it takes is a little "reverse know how!"  Instructions   step 1 Begin with a clear glass plate. Place the plate face up on a table in front of you. Take a dry erase marker and draw your pattern on to the plate. Snowmen...

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Instructions for Reverse Painting on Glass

Reverse painting on glass is a type of painting where the object being painted is transparent and the image is intended to be viewed from the opposite or reverse side. If you were inside a home and decided to paint on a window, you could make a reverse painting intended to be viewed from the outside of the house. In this type of painting you paint the objects closest to the viewer first and the objects in the distance last.  Instructions Step 1 Select sheet glass the size you wish to paint. Often these types of paintings are done on glass purchased as part of a frame kit. This makes it easy to hang the paintings later. Step 2 Find...

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lighthouse Glass Painting

Lighthouse Glass Painting...

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Girl Glass Painting

Girl Glass Paint...

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African Glass Painting

African Glass Paint...

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About Painting: Glass painting made its appearance in India in the late 18th and early 19th century. The technique was adopted by the local painters who depicted popular stories, epic themes, icons, portraits, and icons through the glass paintings. The glass painters combined both traditional and European themes. The symbolic depiction of Indian gods and goddesses were produced. Till today, in some parts of India especially in Gujarat and South...

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18 diagonal square of Fused Glass

18 diagonal square of Fused Glass  Description 18" square of white opal fusing glass was stacked with turquoise ,amber,colbalt,and black glass. Red/orange and orange frit was used to fill in the spaces. Then clear glass pieces were laid over the entire  piece and black powder was brushed to enhance and give dimension it.  The finished piece  will be hung on the wall diagonally.&nb...

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stained Glass Patterns and Tips

Beautiful Mosaic CatThis inspires me to try mosaics next. This mosaic cat is a wonderful example of the versatility of this medium. It is interesting that shades of purple and blue, lime green, and white can be combined to make a very realistic picture of a cat. A good choice of grout color makes all the difference, too.   And here is the rest of ...

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Original Hand Painted Glass

 Original Hand Painted Glass Inspired by the vibrant colors in nature, these translucent paintings on glass are created by building multiple layers of colorsEach piece is signed and then heating bonds the painting to the glass       &nbs...

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The indian Glass Paintings

The art of glass painting appeared in India in the late 18th and early 19th century. Europe was well acquainted with the technique from the Middle Ages.The Chinese artists learnt the art from Europe and produced the creation on the 'back of the material' with the details and shadows first and the large areas of color later. These productions were mainly for the export market...

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Here is the beginning of post. And here is the rest of ...

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Glass Sketch Class Preview

A quick look at the Glass Sketch technique taught by Bullseye Glass. Even students who are nervous about drawing enjoy this class because sketching on sheet glass with glass powders and frits is not like working with traditional mediums. In some ways, it's a far more fluid and forgiving technique—one that can inspire an incredible range of expressi...

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Glass Painting Techniques

Additional brush and paint application techniques for adding paint to your glass painting proj...

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

traditional glass painting


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Glass Painting Designs

Glass painting is a real delight to eyes. Undoubtedly, when glass painting is combined with an innovative home decor idea, it can create amazing works of art. The art of glass painting is gradually taking pace especially among those who are actually interested in decorating their homes with an artistic touch. In fact, glass painting craft is not a tough job to do but what matters is- the glass painting design. Designs should be such that they should...

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Glass painting?

Glass painting is a kind of drawing painted on the inside surface of transparent glass, executed with oil and hard resin or with watercolor and gum on glass sheets. Also known as reverse glass painting, engravings are laid down on the back of the glass, and painted from the reverse. The effect is one of stunning clarity and rich color ideally serving as a connoisseur's delight.Major types of traditional stained glass paints are: vinegar trace paint,...

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How to Make Your Own Stained Glass Windows

he 5 C Approach of Stained Glass Window MakingCreate or purchase a pattern for your stained glass windows.You need: paper, pencil, copier, scissors OR preprinted patternIf you decide to design your own stained glass windows, use a piece of paper that is the same size as the window you will be crafting. Beginners will do well to avoid drawing small pieces and instead opt for larger ones. Advanced crafters will enjoy the added level of difficulty small pieces present. Make a copy of the draft, and then use the copy to cut out the individual pieces, being careful to number them. On the original, place a corresponding number in the field that you...

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Easy Stained Glass Christmas Holiday Lights

Easy Stained Glass Christmas Holiday LightsCreate very nice looking decorative lights that resemble stained glass or rock candy using some inexpensive common materials. You will need a pack of small clear plastic disposable picnic cups, A few different colored sheets of tissue paper, a bottle or two of 3D paint, a small strand of 10 or so clear miniature lights, and a small bottle of Mod Podge Gloss Lustre waterbase sealant. This sealant is commonly...

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Make fake stained glass with hot glue, plexiglass, and paint! Cheap, easy, and pretty.Supply list:Hot Glue GunBlack Hot GlueGlass PaintsPaperThick MarkerTapePlexiglass (you can use glass, but it is heavy!step 1Black Hot GlueI found it online and have only used this brand so far. It is more expensive than regular hot glue. A 5 lb box costs about 50 dollars. Looks like it's main purpose is to attach weaves at beauty salons.step 2Make your designDraw...

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How to Paint on glass with Acrylics

How to Paint on glass with Acryl...

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Painting Glass: Watch for Distortion

remember: objects seen through a glass are distorted. It can be hugely, as here, or just slightly. Observe closely, and get the distortion into your painting. Rather exaggerate it, than underplay it. But without it, the painting won't feel 'righ...

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Painting Glass: Green Watercolor Version

This is a digital watercolor created from the photo of the glasses with the green plate behind them. Again, you can see there is no single color for glass, it's influenced by what's around it, light, and shadow.When painting it, don't first paint the green background and then paint the the glasses on top. Paint all the elements simultaneously. So paint the green bits of the plate, the green parts of the glass, the green bits in the glass stems at...

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Painting Glass: Orange Watercolor Version

This is a digital watercolor created from the photo of the glasses with the orange plate behind them. Compare it to the green version and you'll see that there isn't 'one color' for glass. There are shapes of similar colors in both paintings, such as the bright highlights and the dark shadows on the edges, but the 'color' of the glass is determined by what is around it.Also note the colors of the shadows. Painting a shadow doesn't simply mean you...

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Painting on Glass: Green Background

These are the same two glasses as in the first photo, but with a green plate behind them. As with the orange background, the 'color' of the glasses changes significantly. Even the color of the liquid in the rear glass is different.For me glasses are a good example of why, if you're wanting to paint in a realistic style, you should paint from observation, not your imagination. You are simply unlikely get enough of it 'right', to have all the small...

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Painting Glass: Orange Background

The color of a glass is influenced by what's in the background. These are the same two glasses as in the previous photo, but with a orange plate behind them. Compare the two photos and you'll see how the 'color' of the glasses change.Notice how the colors in the stems of the glasses are influenced too. There are oranges in all sorts of places, including shadows and edge closest to y...

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Painting on Glass: choose your color

There is no single color or paint that could be labelled 'transparent glass'. The color of a glass is determined by what's around it, what you see through it, what is reflecting in it, and how much shadow there is.The two glasses in this photo are both simple, transparent glass. The one at the front is empty and the one at the back has liquid in it. Now your brain knows that the color of the glass at the back hasn't changed, it's the liquid in it...

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