Saturday, August 7, 2010

stained glass pattern: Valentine

Valentine ...

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Friday, August 6, 2010

stained glass pattern:Sun Flower

Sun Flowe...

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Stained Glass Pattern :Camel

Camel and Egyptian Pyramid ...

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

glass painting patterns: Hibiscus


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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Decorative Painted Bottle

When I capital to acrylic some bottle for a allowance to a friend, but didn't accept any money, I apparent that acrylic acrylic and adorn assignment appealing well. Here is the ability for painting dotted spirals on a jar and bushing it with ablution salts as a gift. Approximate Time: 10-20 account Supplies: * Angel Blooming Acrylic Acrylic * Academician Blooming Acrylic Acrylic               ...

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How to Draw Graffiti With a Sharpie

How to Draw Graffiti With a Sharpie  Sharpies are abiding markers that arise in a array of colors and can be acclimated over around any surface. Application them on cardboard as art food will aftermath vibrant, adventurous results. It is for this acumen that application Sharpies to draw graffiti is a abundant choice. You can use the markers to outline the belletrist and to add ablaze blush as well. If you aren't assured in your graffiti...

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Texture work in glass painting

Ilakiya explains us how to do a glass painting with glitter and glass colours in this edition of penn's 'katrukolungal'...

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Almond and Green Fused Glass Vase

Guess how tall this fused glass vase is! Nope…sorry… it is 10.5 inches tall! This fused glass vase is one of the highest vases I have made. Needless to say, there are a lot of steps to making it. There is a total of five layers of glass, plus the green glass lace. There are three layers of glass in the base of the fused glass vase. First, I fused three of the five layers of glass together, then, I fused the other two layers of glass to the...

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Quick Facts About Fenton Art Glass

- Fenton was a glass decorating company first, and then began producing its own glassware lines in 1905. - Mimicking the iridescent wares of Tiffany and Stuben in the early 1900s, Fenton made the first pieces we now know as “carnival” glass. - Fenton’s milk glass lines were very popular during the 1950s, making them collectible but not extremely valuable today. Some of the company’s “crest” lines, especially Ebony Crest pieces, can bring higher...

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