

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Stained Glass Window Hanging

 Stained glass is a type of glass in which the artist stains or paint the surface of the glass is usually used in a window. The style of stained glass manufacturing has been widely used in many types of windows from medieval times. As mentioned above, beautiful stained glass windows are still prominently seen in many churches, cathedrals, castles, old houses and chapels in many places across Europe. The stained glass was mainly used to represent the saints, characters and scenes from the bible on the windows of cathedrals, churches and chapels. Classic Stained glass is created with the help of metal salts combined with colors. The metal oxides and salts to give the translucent glass and a feature to filter the light through it.

Stained glass can be classified into different types according to the method of its manufacture.

Types of windows
Glass cylinder: The manufacture of the glass cylinder is considered quite difficult because it involves skilled glass-blowing techniques. To form a cylinder of glass, molten glass is drawn into the melting pot on a blow pipe. The ball of molten glass is then slowly but skillfully blown into a cylinder. The cylinder is then flattened into a sheet of glass.
Crown glass: The glass crown is a method for preparing glass windows where the glass is partially blown into a balloon and is then placed on a wheel that looks like a potter's wheel. The centrifugal force of the wheel is used to flatten the dough glass.
Glass table: The concept of a glass table is fairly simple. Molten glass is poured into metal table that looks like a flat cookie. The molten glass is adjusted using metal rollers and cooled gradually.
Some other methods of making stained glass windows are flashed glass and glass Victorian method. A common approach in the process of blowing all kinds of glasses, is that the glass is colored with metal oxides and salt. Some of the usual combination of salts and oxides that are used for making stained glass.
Oxide copper oxide copper is added to molten glass to give it a green color. Different brands of copper oxides are used to give glasses shades of green.
Cobalt: Cobalt is added to give the molten metal blue. In the case of these dyes the volume of the agent is increased or decreased to increase or decrease the brightness of the glass.
Gold: Gold in Medieval Times was added to the glass pane to make the red glass. Varying amounts of gold were used to obtain multiple shades of red as vermilion and purple.
Stained glass window hangings

Stained glass window hangings are decorative ornaments that are made from different varieties of stained glass. The stained glass is used for making these types of hanging ornaments, is lightweight and has low density. Most of the time, it is a decorative object that is hung near or next to the window. More than once, small bells or a small glass or metal fragments are attached to the hanging. The logic behind this is that when a gust of wind in arcs through the open windows, it is delicately suspend the pieces of the chime of the undulation of the air. In some cultures, this chime is said to soothe the human brain and fill it with positive energies.

As demand increases slowly suspension stained glass, manufacturers have started to come up with highly innovative ideas. One of the most innovative stained glass window hanging, was one who acted as a candleholder. This discount window was actually a box that had stained glass surrounding the candle. The stained glass produced excellent effects of colored lights when the candle was lit. Another type of suspension windows that were in vogue is that which has the form of a pendant.

Stained glass hangings tend to make the room quite cheerful and colorful too. A certain amount of positive energy is certainly felt in the room where hangings stained glass are used.

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