

Monday, February 28, 2011

Create Your Etched Glass Artwork Step by step

 What you need: 
glass etching stencils, etching creme, vinyl/latex gloves, foam/sponge brush, squeegee (not essential), paper towels, water, washing up liquid, craft knife, plastic bag, soda crystals, safety glasses and masking tape.

Step One: Clean your glass and Transfer Stencil 

Clean your lenses thoroughly with soap and water or glass cleaner, then dry. If your glass is a vessel, stick it with tape to prevent roll around. Remove the backing paper from the stencil and paste - sticky side down - on the glass. Burnish it with your thumb or squeegee and pull on the support with caution. Make sure all the bits of the stencil on the glass. If your glass etching stencils require an activator, this smear on the glass with a cotton swab and place your template on top, squeezing out any excess with a squeegee activator and soak up all the press of a fabric on top of the template for about 20 seconds. Mask the glass around the stencil with masking tape to protect it - you do not want to burn everywhere!
Second Step: Burn Your Glass
You need gloves and goggles for burning. Apply a thick, uniform coating to the exposed areas of glass with the foam brush, making sure all edges and corners are covered. Leave it for the duration specified by the manufacturer - this can vary between 30 seconds - 20 minutes. Caution - do not leave unattended acid, it is caustic and could cause serious harm if misused.

Step Three: Clean Up 
Wipe off excess cream with burning paper towels and tie them in a plastic bag before disposing of it safely. Dissolve some washing soda in a bowl of hot water - it neutralizes the acid in the dough - and wash the glass. You can now remove your glasses and gloves.
Step Four: Remove the stencil 
Depending on whether you used a unique glass etching stencils or reusable, or you remove it in pieces with a knife and throw, or make you free from cream etching and dry and set aside time.
Step Five: Admire 'n' Dry 
Wash and dry your glass for the last time. Your work will disappear in the rain, but reappears in all its glory when it is dry.
If you do not want to design your own glass etching stencils stencils point buy from companies that sell a wide range of pre-designed stencils. Or you can get your own stencils converted by sending digital files via e-mail to companies that will make them stencils for you. Alternatively, you can invest in a stencil machine - which includes a mini UV exposure unit - and produce your own stencils for your own creations. It depends how you want to participate, and if you do for a hobby or for selling your coins engraved glass.
You can also use glass etching cream in the panels of stained glass, as a way to hide the glass - for example in a bathroom window where privacy is needed. It is not mandatory to use glass etching stencils with etching cream - instead you can apply it liberally with a brush or dab with a sponge on the production of various brush strokes and textures - what suits your particular projects of stained glass. Remember that it is more effective on the glass clear or slightly colored, as it is quite a subtle effect.
There are different types of stencils and glass etching cream.There is a large stencils disposable reusable stand 50-100 uses, and to top it all, there are templates that have an adhesive backing and those who need an activator of the stick on the glass.There etching cream only takes 30 seconds or until cream takes 20 minutes to etch the glass. All this can be a bit confusing, but for a beginner, I recommend buying a stencil ready-to-point and having a go first, to see if you like effects.

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