Reverse painting on glass is a type of painting where the object being painted is transparent and the image is intended to be viewed from the opposite or reverse side. If you were inside a home and decided to paint on a window, you could make a reverse painting intended to be viewed from the outside of the house. In this type of painting you paint the objects closest to the viewer first and the objects in the distance last.
Select sheet glass the size you wish to paint. Often these types of paintings are done on glass purchased as part of a frame kit. This makes it easy to hang the paintings later.
Find a pattern or design you wish to paint. Freehand a design on paper to the correct glass size or select a design from a printed calendar, photograph or other image. You can have images enlarged to the right size at most copy stores.
Tape your sketch, copy or print on your work surface. Place your glass over your print and tape the glass completely to the work surface. By taping all of the glass edges you keep the sharp edge of the glass from scraping at your wrist while you work.
Draw the main elements of your design using liquid lead. This is a type of thick paint that gives the appearance of stained glass leading. This paint will also constrain the flow of your paints on the surface of the glass, which is often helpful for beginning experiments in this art form. Use toothpicks and cotton swabs to pull the lead into fine lines for detail work. Allow your liquid lead two to four hours drying time.
Paint the shadows and highlights on clothing and faces first. The order of painting is from shadows to highlights to object color to background and sky. As you paint you will be covering up your foreground detail, which can be disconcerting.
Allow each layer of paint to dry completely. When using oil paints on glass, the oil will take time to dry. If you try to add on the next layer too quickly you will smear the layer below. For faster drying times try acrylic paints.
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